
5 Ways to Pandemic-Proof Your Event

A giant experiment to navigate an unknown pandemic? The German scientists are on it.
Scientists at the medical center of Halle University in Germany gathered data on crowd management during an experimental concert in an arena in Leipzig, with the hope that it could provide useful information for live event professionals.
With adequate ventilation technology, hygiene practices, and contact tracing, the scientists were confident that even in the face of something as unknown as COVID-19, live events could have a steady future.
Read more about their findings here.
“It’s been a long eight months without live concerts and events. This research explains that we can regather if we’re following some specific protocols…which means there’s hope here! Often times, at concerts, crowds let their guard down for the sake of ” having a good time”. This isn’t the time for that. Venues will need to make an investment, both in ventilation and contact tracing systems. The downside is that cost may trickle down to the attendees and affect ticket prices.”
-Daniel White, Owner

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