Virginia Media Virtual Series

Client: Tribune Publishing
Type: Awards Show, Corporate Meeting
Virginia Media

In the Hampton Roads region, Virginia Media has positioned themselves as one of the premiere event promoters for award shows and networking events. Like everyone in 2020, however, they had to figure out how to do what they do while in the middle of a pandemic.

With events like the Healthcare Heroes, Top Workplaces, Top 40 Under 40 and Women in Business, they had to switch to either a virtual or hybrid model— and Hit Play was there to help them get online.

Our team got to wear a few different hats, assisting with: pre-planning the location, scripts and talent booking, recording award nominees, event hosts and keynote speakers, editing, and providing an online portal for viewers to attend the virtual event. In the end, they successfully adapted their events to the online space.

The old phrase says, “the show must go on” —and we’re happy to help make it happen.